This article discusses the problem of asphalt-resinous-paraffin deposits in production and tubing pipes. As a rule, these deposits help to reduce the debit of the well with the subsequent failure of the sucker rod or electric centrifugal pumps that are installed at the wellhead. For this reason, the fight against asphaltene-resinous-paraffin deposits is an urgent research task. We considered the chemical method of exposure to asphaltene deposits, in particular with the use of esters, which are part of inhibitors. Today, a wide range of varieties of inhibitors is known that are used as substances that slow down physicochemical processes; the word inhibitor itself comes from lat. “Inhibere”, which means “delay, slow down”. Of the currently available inhibitors, an ester-based inhibitor has been proposed that can be used initially to prevent the accumulation of asphaltene deposits.