In our previous work , mouse fixed CVS as well as earlier 7-day egg passage of Flury strain showed nearly equal infective titers in both 1-day egg ID and mouse LD tests, but serial passage in 1-day eggs resulted in an increase approximately ten-foldly in the ratio of 1-day egg 1D to mouse LD titers.At first, it was expected that this difference between the two titers would become increasingly more pronounced as passages were repeated in 1-day eggs until finally the mouse infectivity would be lost. However, quite contrary to this expectation, the 1-day egg passage strains, COP and FOP, even after many passages through 1-day eggs did not alter this ratio and sustained as much infectivity for adult mice as did respective mother strains, CVS and Flury.Then became important the question of whether or not one mouse LD (MIU) of the 1-day egg-adapted lines was equivalent to that of their mother viruses in terms of viral particle number.If one mouse LD of a mother strain represented N particles while that of its 1-day egg-adapted line corresponded to pN particles, a direct comparison of viral yields between these two viruses might be possible only after correction of the latter titer by the factor of p.As was previously demonstrated (Yoshino et at., 1956 a), the peak viral concentration in the embryo obtained by the infection of 1-day eggs was as high as was reached in the mouse brain when both titers were expressed in terms of MIUs and therefore it was thought possible that more detailed investigations on the quantitative significance of MIU would revise our previous view concerning the viral yield in such young embryos.Approaches to this problem were quite difficult, because we had to resort only to indirect measurements of virus particles such as animal infectivity tests.However, the use of baby mice, which were found to be more susceptible than adult mice, and neutralization tests with a rabbit antiserum seemed to cast light on the solution of this problem.In order to avoid complexity, studies were confined to the relation between the mousefixed CVS and its 1-day egg passage line COP as a representative combination.The results obtained appeared to point to an equal equivalence of MIU between these two viruses. It was also noticed that, in the ordinary titration employing