In this paper, a modular technique is described for the analysis of dual-reflector antennas using a reflectarray as a subreflector. An antenna configuration based on a sub-reflectarray and a parabolic main reflector provides better bandwidth than a single reflectarray, and has a number of advantages compared with a conventional dual-reflector antenna. Examples include the possibility of beam shaping by adjusting the phase on the sub-reflectarray, and potential capabilities to scan or reconfigure the beam. The modular technique implemented for the antenna analysis combines different methods for the analysis of each part of the antenna. First, the real field generated by the horn is considered as the incident field on each reflectarray element. Second, the reflectarray is analyzed with the same technique as for a single reflectarray, i.e., considering local periodicity and the real angle of incidence of the wave coming from the feed for each periodic cell. Third, the main reflector is analyzed using the Physical Optics (PO) technique, where the current on the reflector surface is calculated by summing the radiation from all the reflectarray elements. Finally, the field is calculated on a rectangular periodic mesh at a projected aperture, and then a time-efficient fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is used to compute the radiation pattern of the antenna. The last step significantly improves the computational efficiency. However, it introduces a phase error, which reduces the accuracy of the radiation patterns for radiation angles far away from the antenna's axis. The phase errors have been evaluated for two integration apertures. It has been demonstrated that accurate patterns are obtained in an angular range of ±6°, which is sufficient for large reflectors. The method of analysis has been validated by comparing the results with simulations obtained from GRASP8. Finally, the theoretical beam-scanning performance of the antenna is analyzed.