Section II reviews the contributions of various natural factors which influence the inherent radiosensitivity of biological systems. Included in the list of these factors are water, oxygen, thiols, vitamins and antioxi-«• dants. Brief attention is given to the model describing competition between oxygen and natural radioprotective substances (principally, thiols) in deter mining the net cellular radiosensitivity. Several theories of the mechanism(s) of action of radioprotective drugs are described in Section III. These mechanisms include the production of hypoxia, detoxication of radiochemical reactive species, stabilization of the radiobiological target and the enhancement of damage repair processes. Section IV describes the current strategies for the treatment of radiation injury. Likely areas in which fruitful research might be performed are described in Section V. Appendices are devoted to lists of currently-funded research projects involving chemical radiation protection and a brief compendium of compounds which have been tested for radioprotective activity.