Tracking good doctors for treatment in rural areas is a very difficult job, they have to travel all the way to nearby towns or cities. Therefore, Anytime Medical Machine (AMM) is completely IOT based project and can be even considered as the IOMT (IOT based medical devices) and its primary deployment in rural areas. Using the AMM people will get quality consultation with good doctors on spot without travelling all the way to the cities. The doctor provides medicines and prescription for the patients through AMM which reduces the time consumption and expenses of travelling to the nearby cities. It collects patient data using Temperature sensor, Heart Beat sensor and SPO2 sensor, and sending the collected data of the patient to the doctor through wi-fi module. Interaction between the doctor and the patient is done by using video conferencing, which is secured by the login page with username and password dedicated to each user to avoid the misuse of the AMM. Finally, the Doctor analyzes the patient’s health parameters and suggests the appropriate medicine that will be dispatched through AMM. The patient's information is uploaded to the cloud server for future references. Admin re-fills the medicines in AMM. KeyWords: AMM, Medicine Dispatcher, Telemonitoring, Cloud Storage.