The goal of the study was analysis of the cerebral mechanisms of deliberate deception. The event related functional magnetic resonance (ER fMRI) imaging technique was used to assess the changes in the functional brain activity by means of recording the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal. Twelve right handed healthy volunteers aged 19-44 years participated in the study. The BOLD images were obtained during three experimental trials: deliberate deception, manipulative honest and control truthful trials (catch trials). The deliberate deception and manipulative honest actions were characterized by a BOLD signal increase in the anterior cingulate (Brodmann's area (BA) 32), frontal (BAs 9/10, 6), and parietal (BA 40) cor tices as compared with a truthful response. Comparison of the ER fMRI data with the results of earlier studies where event related potentials (ERPs) were recorded under similar conditions indicates the involvement of the brain mechanism of error detection in deliberate deception.