Abstract. In this paper we show a consistent approach of using Hierarchical Task Analysis together with model checking to identify pilot errors during the interaction with cockpit automation systems in aircraft. Task analysis is used to model flight procedures which describe how to operate a specific system in a particular situation. Afterwards model checking is used to identify deviations from these procedures in empirical simulator data. We envision applying this method to automatically detect pilot errors during flight tests or pilot training.Keywords: Hierarchical Task Analysis, Model Checking, Error Analysis.
Hierarchical Tasks Analysis of Normative Pilot ActivitiesOur goal is to identify aircraft pilot errors (e.g. omission of actions) during the interaction with cockpit automation systems while performing specific flight tasks. This is done based on two inputs: (1) Information about how the flight task has to be performed normatively and (2) data on the actual performance (recorded in flight simulations) of the task. We define pilot errors as deviations from normative activities. To get the first input we perform a hierarchical task analysis to produce a hierarchical task model.There are various approaches supporting analysis and modeling of tasks. Semiformal task analysis and modeling approaches such as [5,6] primarily concentrate on the hierarchical decomposition of tasks into subtasks and their temporal ordering. The models are semi-formal in the sense that they formally structure (hierarchy, temporal relations) informal elements (task descriptions in natural language). Formal task modeling approaches define a granular formal structure for the task descriptions, e.g. in form of Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection Rules (like in GOMS [4]). The result of a task analysis is a hierarchical task model. Task models are typically used in the early phases of system design [8] or user interface design [4] to get valuable information about task performance. They are also increasingly applied for the analysis of workplace situations, especially for human error analysis [1].In our approach we implement a tool chain which combines semi-formal and formal task analysis and modeling. The tool chain begins with AMBOSS [5], a tool for the semi-formal level of task analysis and modeling. This modeling environment provides different abstraction levels in a hierarchical manner, represented graphically in a tree-like format. AMBOSS offers different features for task inspection like task