Power electronics are increasingly important in new generation vehicles as critical safety mechanical subsystems are being replaced with more electronic components. Hence, it is vital that the health of these power electronic components is monitored for safety and reliability on a platform. The aim of this paper is to develop a prognostic approach for predicting the remaining useful life of power electronic components. The developed algorithms must also be embeddable and computationally efficient to support on-board real-time decision making. Current state-of-the-art prognostic algorithms, notably those based on Markov models, are computationally intensive and not applicable to real-time embedded applications. In this paper, an isolated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is used as a case study for prognostic development. The proposed approach is developed by analyzing failure mechanisms and statistics of IGBT degradation data obtained from an accelerated aging experiment. The approach explores various probability distributions for modeling discrete degradation profiles of the IGBT component. This allows the stochastic degradation model to be efficiently simulated, in this particular example ∼1000 times more efficiently than Markov approaches.
Index Terms-Isolated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS), power electronics, prognostics, remaining useful life (RUL).