© F e r r a t a S t o r t i F o u n d a t i o nposed to distinguish FLIS from partial involvement by FL (PFL). In PFL there is greater architectural distortion, and the diagnosis of lymphoma is more evident histologically. However, interestingly, patients with PFL appear to present with low-stage disease, with a relatively low risk of progression and often a very prolonged disease-free interval with limited therapy. 12 Thus, PFL may represent a bona fide early stage in the biological evolution of FL, and not just a limited state of lymph node replacement by a fully developed neoplasm.14 Advances in laser capture microdissection now enable the isolation of even small numbers of cells representative of the clonotypic population, 15 and improvements in genomic methods allow the analysis of genetic aberrations in DNA derived from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. These new technologies now provide the unique opportunity to explore the genetic landscape of these early lesions, and to understand their relationship to overt FL better.
SamplesMost cases were selected from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded archive specimens submitted to the Hematopathology Section at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) or the Institute of Pathology, at the Medical University of Vienna. Seven cases of FLIS, five cases of PFL and five cases of DFL were identified based on previously published criteria. 11,12 Patients with FLIS and PFL had no other evidence of disease during the period of follow-up. 12 These samples were compared to five cases of FL grade 1-2 and five of FL grade 3A, included as controls of the most frequent alterations occurring in FL. Finally, sections of reactive follicular hyperplasia (RFH, n=2) and laser micro-dissected lymphoid cells from uninvolved areas of FLIS#3 (FLIS background) were also hybridized and used as references for normal cells (Online Supplementary Table S1). Only cases with confirmed t(14;18) were included in the study. The Institutional Review Boards of the NCI and the Medical University of Vienna approved the study.
Laser capture microdissection, DNA extraction and quality controlTo obtain sufficient enrichment of lesional cells positive for t(14;18), which was necessary for the genome-wide array analysis, BCL2 + GC were microdissected from the selected FLIS/PFL/DFL/FL grade 1-2 cases. Laser capture microdissection was performed using a Leica LMD6000 (Leica Microsystems, Germany) on hematoxylin-stained slides with BCL2 + immunostained slides as a guide for involved follicles.15 BCL2-negative GC were microdissected from RFH, without evidence of FLIS. Tumor cell DNA was isolated from FL grade 3A without microdissection, given the high tumor cell content (>75%). DNA was extracted using a QIAamp ® DNA FFPE Kit. The amount of DNA collected from the different cases ranged from 506 to 2820 ng. With a calculation of 6.6 pg of DNA/cell this amounts to a minimum of 77,000 cells per case needed for appropriate hybridization. The integrity of the DNA was controlled with an Agilent DNA1...