With the evolution of technology, social, economic, and political relationships undergo major changes, which directly impact the thinking and living of human beings. Nevertheless, the law follows social changes and alters itself throughout history, because its main goal and challenge is to organize society in the most fair and correct way possible. Meanwhile, the Digital Right is born, which encompasses all legal spheres, adapting them, however, to a new, previously unknown scenario. Thus, laws that govern the regulation of digital data have arisen in Brazil and around the world, which are essential to be studied and understood, because it is increasingly through the Internet that society relates, moving valuable information and large fortunes. Moreover, with the advent of new technologies, the human being itself is the object of study of some of them, which is important to the law. Scientists investigate genetic data in search of health improvements, fertilization clinics operate, and so many other procedures that, in the final analysis, bring into question the great question of the immeasurable value of life and of the human being itself. This technological, digital, and genetic advance is global, although more apparent in some countries than in others, which gives geopolitical power to the former, and must be analyzed and studied in light of domestic and international law. Therefore, this paper aims to study digital law and its new technologies, as well as the impact of genetic engineering, nationally and internationally, in defense of human rights, that is, the human being itself.