This paper investigates several crucial issues that arise when modeling equity returns with stochastic variance. (i) Does the model need to include jumps even when using a nonaffine variance specification? We find that jump models clearly outperform pure stochastic volatility models.(ii) How do affine variance specifications perform when compared to nonaffine models in a jump diffusion setup? We find that nonaffine specifications outperform affine models, even after including jumps.Key Words Bayesian inference; Deviance information criteria; Jump diffusion; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; Stochastic volatility.
JEL Classifications: C11, G11, G12
Empirical Analysis of Affine vs. Nonaffine Variance Specifications in Jump-Diffusion Models for Equity Indices
This version: May 4, 2014Abstract This paper investigates several crucial issues that arise when modeling equity returns with stochastic variance. (i) Does the model need to include jumps even when using a nonaffine variance specification? We find that jump models clearly outperform pure stochastic volatility models.(ii) How do affine variance specifications perform when compared to nonaffine models in a jump diffusion setup? We find that nonaffine specifications outperform affine models, even after including jumps.