24Quantitative stable isotope probing (qSIP) estimates the degree of incorporation of an isotope 25 tracer into nucleic acids of metabolically active organisms and can be applied to microorganisms 26 growing in complex communities, such as the microbiomes of soil or water. As such, qSIP has 27 the potential to link microbial biodiversity and biogeochemistry. As with any technique 28 involving quantitative estimation, qSIP involves measurement error; a more complete 29 understanding of error, precision and statistical power will aid in the design of qSIP experiments 30 and interpretation of qSIP data. We used several existing qSIP datasets of microbial communities 31 found in soil and water to evaluate how variance in the estimate of isotope incorporation depends 32 on organism abundance and on the resolution of the density fractionation scheme. We also 33 assessed statistical power for replicated qSIP studies, and sensitivity and specificity for 34 unreplicated designs. We found that variance declines as taxon abundance increases. Increasing 35 the number of density fractions reduces variance, although the benefit of added fractions declines 36 as the number of fractions increases. Specifically, nine fractions appear to be a reasonable 37 tradeoff between cost and precision for most qSIP applications. Increasing replication improves 38 power and reduces the minimum detectable threshold for inferring isotope uptake to 5 atom%.
39Finally, we provide evidence for the importance of internal standards to calibrate the %GC to 40 mean weighted density regression per sample. These results should benefit those designing 41 future SIP experiments, and provide a reference for metagenomic SIP applications where 42 financial and computational limitations constrain experimental scope.43 44 45 46 3 Importance 47 48 One of the biggest challenges in microbial ecology is correlating the identity of microorganisms 49 with the roles they fulfill in natural environmental systems. Studies of microbes in pure culture 50 reveal much about genomic content and potential functions, but may not reflect an organism's 51 activity within its natural community. Culture-independent studies supply a community-wide 52 view of composition and function in the context of community interactions, but fail to link the 53 two. Quantitative stable isotope probing (qSIP) is a method that can link the identity and function 54 of specific microbes within a naturally occurring community. Here we explore how the 55 resolution of density-gradient fractionation affects the error and precision of qSIP results, how 56 they may be improved via additional replication, and cost-benefit balanced scenarios for SIP 57 experimental design. 58 59 65In SIP, a substrate labeled with a heavy isotope is added to an environmental sample. Following 66 an incubation period ranging from hours to weeks (depending on the substrate uptake rate) the 67 DNA (or RNA) of growing microorganisms that have consumed the isotope-enriched substrate 68 becomes more dense due to their incorp...