This paper presents a new approach to model the induction for wind turbines in yawed flow to find the effective angle of attack distribution along the blades. There is an inherent difficulty in determining the angle of attack required by aeroelastic codes as input to tabulated airfoil data. Unlike two-dimensional (2D) conditions where the angle of attack is the angle between the unperturbed flow and the airfoil chord, for the rotating blade, the incoming flow is bended because of rotation and affected by the induction of the blade circulation and the tip and root vortices, making the definition of the angle of attack uncertain.In this work, the analogy with 2D potential flows suggests that a coupling term between the unperturbed geometric angle of attack and the unitary velocity in the radial direction should be included to calculate the effective angle of attack seen by the blade strips. The model introduces two radially dependent interferences on the geometric angle, obtained from axial flow conditions that give the effective angle of attack under arbitrarily yawed flow conditions. The model gives a uniform treatment to the radial flows associated with yawed conditions or coned rotors and can be applied directly to calculate the effective angle of attack distribution on coned rotors in yawed flow. The accuracy of the method compares with results obtained from conventional or higher degree of complexity methods. The model can be incorporated into blade element momentum theory codes as an option to calculate angle of attack distributions.