“…The study, currently in its second year, is being led by Dr Rex Caffey, LSU Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, and Resource Economics specialist, and it is anticipated to cost approximately $750,000. Compared to earlier studies that did not quantify actual benefits, but rather made estimates of what could be achieved if the quality and quantity of information could be increased, 15,17,18 the current study is assessing the value of GCOOS both during catastrophic events (e.g., hurricanes Ike, Isaac, and Katrina; Superstorm Sandy; the Deepwater Horizon oil spill) and for routine operations of US Gulf of Mexico activities. Caffey stated, "Having fully aggregated, integrated, and searchable ocean and atmospheric information available prior to, during, and following catastrophic events has significant implications for the forecasts directed at saving lives, property, and ecosystems.…”