Uneven-aged forest management has received increasing attention in the past few years. Compared with even-aged plantations, the complex structure of uneven-aged forests complicates the formulation of management strategies. Forest structural diversity is expected to provide considerable significant information for uneven-aged forest management planning. In the present study, we investigated the potential of using SPOT-5 satellite images for extracting forest structural diversity. Forest stand variables were calculated from the field plots, whereas spectral and textural measures were derived from the corresponding satellite images. We firstly employed Pearson's correlation analysis to examine the relationship between the forest stand variables and the image-derived measures. Secondly, we performed all possible subsets multiple linear regression to produce models by including the image-derived measures, which showed significant correlations with the forest stand variables, used as independent variables. The produced models were evaluated with the adjusted coefficient of determination (R 2 adj ) and the root mean square error (RMSE). Furthermore, a ten-fold cross-validation approach was used to validate the best-fitting models (R 2 adj > 0.5). The results indicated that basal area, stand volume, the Shannon index, Simpson index, Pielou index, standard deviation of DBHs, diameter differentiation index and species intermingling index could be reliably predicted using the spectral or textural measures extracted from SPOT-5 satellite images.