“…Ta ble 1). These fall into three main cat e gories: (a) direct val u a tion meth ods that di rect ly val ue all health states used in the anal y sis [1, 2, 3, 4]; (b) in di rect val u a tion meth ods that value a lim it ed num ber of health states di rectly and use a scor ing al go rithm to pre dict all oth er pos si ble health states that were not di rect ly val ued [5,6,7,8,9,10]; and (c) map ping meth ods that, in stead of valu ing health states di rect ly, ob serve/es tab lish a rela tion ship be tween an al ready ex ist ing utili ty mea sure and an oth er clin i cal or qual i ty of life (QOL) mea sure, and ex trap o late the re la tion ship to oth er stud ies [11].…”