Pinares-Patiño, C. S., Baumont, R. and Martin, C. 2003. Methane emissions by Charolais cows grazing a monospecific pasture of timothy at four stages of maturity. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 83: 769-777. In order to examine the relationship between herbage maturity and methane (CH 4 ) emission under conditions which minimized opportunities for selective grazing, six 8-yr-old, dry and early-pregnant Charolais cows [712 ± 22.7 kg liveweight (LW)] were grazed on a mono-specific pasture of timothy at four stages of maturity: early vegetative, heading, flowering, and senescence. Daily CH 4 production was measured during 7 d using the sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) tracer-gas technique. Organic matter intake (OMI) was determined from fecal output estimated by Yb 2 O 3 dosing and feed digestibility (OMD) estimated using a fecal N index. The OMD (%) decreased (P < 0.05) from 77.6 at early vegetative to 56.2 at senescence, but no cow effect upon OMD was observed. The OMI (14.8 g kg -1 LW) and CH 4 production (273 g d -1 ) were higher (P < 0.05) at heading than at the other stages of maturity. The proportion of gross energy intake (GEI) lost in CH 4 did not differ with maturity (mean 6.4% of GEI). Cow effects upon OMI and CH 4 emission were significant (P < 0.05). CH 4 production (g d -1 ) was not related to diet chemical composition or OMD, but was correlated with digestible neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake (kg d -1 ) (r = 0.61, P < 0.01). Across all stages of maturity between-cow variation explained 54 to 70% of the total variation in CH 4 production. (SF 6 ). La quantité de matière organique ingérée (MOI) était calculée à partir des flux de fèces estimés par dosage de Yb 2 O 3 , et de la digestibilité de la matière organique (MOD) estimée à partir de l'azote fécal. La MOD (%) diminuait (P < 0.05) de 77.6 pour le stade végétatif à 56.2 pour le stade sénescent, mais était comparable entre animaux. La MOI (14.8 g kg -1 PV) et la production de CH 4 (273 g j -1 ) étaient plus élevées (P < 0.05) au stade épiaison qu'aux autres stades. La perte d'énergie alimentaire sous forme de méthane, ne variait pas avec le stade de maturité (6.4% de l'énergie brute ingérée en moyenne). La MOI et les émissions de CH 4 variaient entre animaux (P < 0.05). La production de CH 4 (g j -1 ) n'é-tait pas reliée à la composition chimique de l'herbe ingérée ou MOD, mais était fortement corrélée à la quantité de NDF digestible ingérée (kg j -1 ) (r = 0.61, P < 0.01). Quel que soit le stade de maturité, la variabilité animale expliquait 54 à 70% de la variation totale des productions de CH 4 .Mots clés: Méthane, bovin, variabilité animale, fléole, phénologie, pâturage sélectif Rumen methanogenesis represents a loss of between 2 to 12% of the gross energy intake (Johnson et al. 1993; Vermorel 1997) and the considerable research carried out during the 1960s and 1970s, aiming to increase feed efficiency, did not yield CH 4 mitigation technology. During the past few years, however, a renewed interest in controlling ruminant CH 4 production has been observed ...