The article emphasizes the importance of considering modern transport chains from the point of view of green transport. In addition to the traditional way of dealing with transport chains and supply chains, where the focus is on the price and timing of the transport service, all stakeholders in such chains should be systematically informed about the level of GHG emissions and energy efficiency so that a higher level of awareness of cargo owners can be ensured to choose sustainable transport and logistics services. The main contribution of the research is an in-depth understanding of the complexity of the transport chains through the ports of the eastern Adriatic from the green transport perspective. Analysed ports as Koper, Rijeka, Bar, and Durres have on the seaside different overseas connections and the land-side different land connections that produce different levels of pollution and consume different levels of energy. At the same time there are commercial and operational differences. The importance of analysing and understanding the operation of green transport chains (GTCs) by the use of developed IT tools is particularly emphasized. Various transport services from Asian ports through four ports on the eastern Adriatic coast are analysed. The analysis includes a comparison of transport times, the cost of total intermodal transport, and the level of pollution with CO2, NOx, SOx, and Non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions. The research study provides a comprehensive and transparent approach to dealing with complex transport chains in the eastern Adriatic region and can serve as an approach for providing proper information to the stakeholders along the entire transport chain. The results reveal the shortcomings of the southern transport route mainly due to poorly developed rail transport, which is also reflected through the low starting basis for the development of GTC regionally. Sažetak Članak naglašava važnost razmatranja modernih transportnih lanaca s točke gledišta zelenoga transporta uz tradicionalan način bavljenja transportnima lancima i onima opskrbe, gdje se žarište stavlja na cijenu i vrijeme transportne usluge u kojoj svi dioničari trebaju biti sustavno informirani o razini emisija stakleničkih plinova i učinkovitosti. Tako se može postići veća razina osviještenosti pri odabiru održivoga transporta i usluga logistike. Glavni doprinos istraživanja jest dubinsko razumijevanje kompleksnosti transportnih lanaca kroz luke istočnoga Jadrana iz perspektive transporta. Analizirane su luke: Koper, Rijeka, Bar i Drač, koje imaju na obali svoje prekomorske i kopnene veze koje proizvode različite razine zagađenja i troše različite razine energije. Istodobno, postoje komercijalne i radne razlike. Važnost analiziranja i razumijevanja rada lanaca zelenoga transporta (GTC) korištenjem razvijenih alata posebno se naglašava. Analiziraju se različite transportne usluge iz azijskih luka kroz četiri luke na istočnome Jadranu. Analiza uključuje usporedbu vremena transporta, trošak ukupnoga intermodalnoga transporta i ...