Contemporary effective population size (N e ) can be estimated using linkage disequilibrium (LD) observed across pairs of loci presumed to be selectively neutral and unlinked. This method has been commonly applied to data sets containing 10-100 loci to inform conservation and study population demography. Performance of these N e estimates could be improved by incorporating data from thousands of loci. However, these thousands of loci exist on a limited number of chromosomes, ensuring that some fraction will be physically linked. Linked loci have elevated LD due to limited recombination, which if not accounted for can cause N e estimates to be downwardly biased. Here, we present results from coalescent and forward simulations designed to evaluate the bias of LD-based N e estimates (N e ). Contrary to common perceptions, increasing the number of loci does not increase the magnitude of linkage. Although we show it is possible to identify some pairs of loci that produce unusually large r 2 values, simply removing large r 2 values is not a reliable way to eliminate bias. Fortunately, the magnitude of bias inN e is strongly and negatively correlated with the process of recombination, including the number of chromosomes and their length, and this relationship provides a general way to adjust for bias. Additionally, we show that with thousands of loci, precision ofN e is much lower than expected based on the assumption that each pair of loci provides completely independent information. Heredity (Wright, 1931), which determines the rate of evolutionary change due to genetic drift and informs the equilibrium level of genetic variation and the effectiveness of selection. N e is often much lower than census size (Frankham, 1995), demonstrating that simply counting individuals is insufficient to predict rates of evolutionary change. In addition to the number of mating individuals, N e is affected by sex ratio, variation in reproductive success, age structure, migration and other demographic factors. It is an extremely relevant metric in conservation biology, with low N e leading to inbreeding and reduced genetic diversity (Ellstrand and Elam, 1993). See Charlesworth (2009) for a primer on N e , and Wang (2005) for a review of estimation methods.Populations with smaller N e undergo more genetic drift than larger populations. This genetic drift randomly generates associations between alleles at different loci, known as linkage (or gametic) disequilibrium (LD) at a rate inversely proportional to N e . As a result, measures of LD between independently-segregating loci can be used to provide an estimate of N e (Sved, 1971;Hill, 1981;Waples, 1991). Over the past decades, many studies have leveraged data sets consisting of a few dozen loci for genetic estimates of N e (Luikart et al., 2010). While these studies continue to be useful, especially for long-running