A major trend in wind energy is the development of larger wind turbines for offshore wind farms. Since access to offshore wind turbines is diffi cult and costly, it is of great importance that they operate safely and reliable. The wind turbine rotor blades, which are the largest rotating component of a wind turbine, are designed for an expected lifetime of 20 years. During this period of time, the blades will be subjected to varying loads. Large wind turbine blades are made of composite materials and can develop a number of interacting failure modes. High structural reliability can be achieved by designing the blades against the development of these failure modes. This chapter provides an overview of experimental and modeling tools for the design of wind turbine blades, with particular emphasis on evolution and interaction of various failure modes. This involves knowledge of materials, testing methods and structural design.The design of the wind turbine blade is a compromise between aerodynamic and structural considerations. Aerodynamic considerations usually dominate the design for the outer two-thirds of the blade, while structural considerations are more important for the design of the inner one third of the blade.
Loads on wind turbine rotor bladesThe rotor blade is loaded in a combination of fl apwise and edgewise loads. Basically the blades are exposed to three different load sources. One is the wind load that through the lift and drag on the aerodynamic profi le loads the blade primarily