We recently reported the effects of repeated administration of the monoisoamyl ester of dimercaptosuccinic acid (MiADMSA) on a few selected biochemical variables indicative of haematopoietic, liver, kidney and brain toxicity, oxidative stress and essential metal status in male rats. The present investigation studies similar changes in female rats to fi nd out if the changes are independent of gender. The results suggest significant and pronounced toxic effects of MiADMSA on haem biosynthesis, liver and kidneys in female rats exposed to higher doses of orally (p.o.) or intraperitoneally (i.p.) administered MiADMSA, compared with the effects in male rats. No effects on brain tissues were seen. A pronounced depletion of copper was noted in the blood and liver of MiADMSA administered rats, irrespective of route of exposure. It can be concluded that the administration of MiADMSA in female rats is confounded with side-effects and may require caution during its use and further exploration.