Lightning discharges are natural phenomena that are able to generate energies up to several GJ (Rakov & Uman, 2006). The transient radio waves emitted by the lightning discharges are called "atmospherics", or "sferics" for short. These electromagnetic waves widely cover the frequency spectrum from ∼1 Hz to ∼300 MHz, with relatively large spectral amplitudes in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range and very low frequency (VLF) range and a relative maximum at ∼10 kHz (e.g., Burke & Jones, 1992;Taylor, 1960;Weidman & Krider, 1986). Another source of VLF electromagnetic waves is radio transmitters (Barr et al., 2000).Lightning discharges fall into two major categories: cloud-to-ground discharges (CGs) and in-cloud discharges (ICs), where the CGs exhibit much larger peak currents compared to the ICs (e.g., Betz et al., 2009;Fiser et al., 2010). Cloud-to-ground discharges can lead to serious hazards and are more relevant to human life than ICs. The peak current of CGs has been studied for the purpose of lightning protection (e.g., Chowdhuri et al., 2005;Schulz et al., 2016;Takami & Okabe, 2007;Visacro, 2004), and existing lightning location networks mainly aim at detecting cloud-to-ground discharges with the time-of-arrival (TOA) technique.The ionosphere (σ ≈ 10 −4 Sm −1 − 10 −2 Sm −1 ) and the earth's ground (σ ≈ 10 −3 Sm −1 ) form a natural wave guide with large conductivity boundaries, while the atmosphere in between exhibits a much lower conductivity. This wave-guide is able to guide the propagation of sferics (e.g.