<i>Objective:</i> Although spirometry is the most common pulmonary
function test, there is no method to quantitatively infer about airway
resistance or other properties from the flow-volume curves. Recently, an
identifiable inverse model for forced expiration was proposed, as well as the
idea to deduce changes in airway resistances and compliances from spirometric
curve evolution. The aim of this work was to combine the above advances in a
method for assessing the airway response to bronchial tests from a spirometric
curve shift. <i>Methods:</i> The approach is
based on the differential measurement of the degree, site of maximal effect and
width of changes, further recalculated into relative changes in the
distribution of airway resistances (<i>δR<sub>g</sub></i>)
and compliances (<i>δC<sub>g</sub></i>) along
the bronchial tree. To this end, appropriate models were identified using the
pre- and post-test spirometry data. The accuracy was validated using sets of
data simulated by the anatomy and physiology based models. Finally, the method
was used to analyze the bronchodilation tests of three asthmatic subjects. <i>Results:</i> The expected errors in assessing
the degree, site and width of changes in the zone of conducting airways were
6.3%, 2.4 generations and 22%, respectively, and for <i>δR<sub>g</sub></i> and <i>δC<sub>g</sub></i>
were 5-10% and 13-16%, respectively. The analyses of clinical data indicated a
significant reduction in resistances and an increase in compliances of airway
generations 8-12, consistent with clinical knowledge. <i>Conclusion:</i> An unprecedented method to plausibly transforming the
spirometry data into the site and degree of changes in airway properties has
been proposed. <i>Significance:</i> The
method can be used to deduce about the effects of bronchial tests, as well as
to monitor changes in the airways between visits or to investigate how inhaled
pharmaceuticals affect the bronchi.