In five consecutive growth seasons from 2003 to 2007 a response of maize variety Eurostar (var. FAO 240) to supply of NPK fertilizer supplemented with magnesium or zinc was investigated. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of zinc (NPK + Zn) or magnesium (NPK + Mg) in controlling nitrogen management by maize crop fertilized with 80 and 140 kg N/ha. In the course of the study, total grain nitrogen content did not show any response to both experimental factors and weather variability, as well. However, the obtained results indicate, that magnesium and zinc have significantly increased SPAD (chlorophyll index) indices of maize cob leaf at anthesis. A significant effect of both factors interaction on nitrogen accumulation in grain and cob covering leaves was noted, but limited to the 80 kg N/ha treatment. The physiological role of Mg and Zn in nitrogen management was most manifested throughout its greater recovery from nitrogen fertilizer applied at the rate 80 kg N/ha, amounting to 92 and 94% respectively; for the NPK, it was only 78%.