Many land surface models (LSMs) assume a steady‐state assumption (SS) for forest growth, leading to an overestimation of biomass in young forests. Parameters inversion under SS will potentially result in biased carbon fluxes and stocks in a transient simulation. Incorporating age‐dependent biomass into LSMs can simulate real disequilibrium states, enabling the model to simulate forest growth from planting to its current age, and improving the biased post‐calibration parameters. In this study, we developed a stepwise optimization framework that first calibrates “fast” light‐controlled CO2 fluxes (gross primary productivity, GPP), then leaf area index (LAI), and finally “slow” growth‐controlled biomass using the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) GPP and LAI products, and age‐dependent biomass curves for the 25 forests. To reduce the computation time, we used a machine learning‐based model to surrogate the complex integrated biosphere simulator LSM during calibration. Our calibrated model led to an error reduction in GPP, LAI, and biomass by 28.5%, 35.3% and 74.6%, respectively. When compared with net biome productivity (NBP) using no‐age‐calibrated parameters, our age‐calibrated parameters increased NBP by an average of 50 gC m−2 yr−1 across all forests, especially in the boreal needleleaf evergreen forests, the NBP increased by 118 gC m−2 yr−1 on average, increasing the estimate of the carbon sink in young forests. Our work highlights the importance of including forest age in LSMs, and provides a novel framework for better calibrating LSMs using constraints from multiple satellite products at a global scale.