Introduction: Aging is a physiological process, which is characterized by successive wear and tear. However, it has been found that physical activity delays and/or minimizes those effects. The Pilates method proposes aphysical conditioning of the entire body.The Pilates method of body conditioning has low-intensity and low-impact exercise programs associated to long-standing exercise sessions. Objectives: The study aims to analyze and compare the functionality and flexibility of both adult women and elderly women groups before and after performing Pilates exercises on the ground. Patients and Methods: The current study is a clinical trial involving 14 sedentary women who attend dance groups incommunity gyms in the city of Teresina -Piaui State. They were divided into two groups: the adult women group (AW) and the elderly women group (EW). Both groups have performed a training program, including 12 sessions of Pilates exercises on the ground within 4 weeks, 3 times per week, 50 minutes long. The exercises took place in a public square they used to attend. At the beginning and at the end of t study, all volunteers were tested through the protocol developed by the Latin-American Development to the Maturity Group (GDLAM'S Protocol) and the distance hand-ground test. Data were analyzedusing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test andanalysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements and effect size. A P value < 0,05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: According to the functional autonomy classification, both adult women and elderly women showed improvement ranging from weak to regular regarding the levels of physical activity. Conclusion: This study concludes that Pilates exercises performed in 12 sessions promoted improvement inthe functional autonomy and retained the flexibility in bothgroups of adult women and elderly women.Descriptors: Exercise; Physical Therapy Specialty; Aging.
IntroduçãoO envelhecimento é caracterizado por um conjunto de alterações fisiológicas desfavoráveis que prejudicam principalmente aspectos relacionados ao desempenho (1)(2)(3) . Um estilo de vida saudável, com uma alimentação adequada e exercícios físicos regulares estão associados à melhora da qualidade de vida e diminuição da incidência de doenças crônicas (4) . A participação de adultas 22(3) 53-57