Abstract. The sequence relationship between the small heat shock proteins and the eye lens protein acrystallin (Ingolia, T. D., and E. E. Craig, 1982, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 79:2360-2364 prompted us to subject rat lenses in organ culture to heat shock and other forms of stress. The effects on protein synthesis were followed by labeling with [35S]methionine and analysis by one-and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Heat shock gave a pronounced induction of a protein that could be characterized as the stress protein SP71. This protein probably corresponds to the major mammalian heat shock protein hsp70. Also two minor proteins of 16 and 85 kD were induced, while the synthesis of a constitutive heat shock-related protein, P73, was considerably increased. The synthesis of SP71 started between 30 and 60 min after heat shock, reached its highest level after 3 h, and had stopped again after 8 h. In rat lenses that were preconditioned by an initial mild heat shock, a subsequent shock did not cause renewed synthesis of SP71. This effect resembles the thermotolerance phenomenon observed in cultured cells. The proline analogue azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, zinc chloride, ethanol, and calcium chloride did not, under the conditions used, induce stress proteins in the rat lens. Sodium arsenite, however, had very much the same effects as heat shock. Calcium ionophore A23187 specifically and effectively induced the synthesis of the glucose-regulated protein GRP78. No special response to stress on crystallin synthesis was noticed.T HE heat shock response of eukaryotic cells is characterized by the induction of a specific set of heat shock or stress proteins, and the concurrent development of thermotolerance, i.e., increased resistance to subsequent stress (34,42). It has been shown that also in vivo and in organ culture several mammalian tissues respond to heat shock or other forms of stress by the synthesis of one or more heat shock proteins (5-7, 9, 10, 28).A study of the effects of stress on the vertebrate eye lens is of interest for a number of reasons. The eye lens might be expected to need a very efficient protection or resistance against chemical and physical insults, because the differentiated lens fiber cells are never broken down or replaced (3, 11), and hence have to maintain a reasonable degree of structural and functional integrity throughout life. On the other hand the lens is quite likely to become exposed to stressful conditions because of its superficial location in combination with the absence of direct blood supply and innervation which hampers an efficient and rapid homeostatic regulation of the intraceUular environment. Moreover, the older lens fiber cells loose their nuclei and ribosomes (3) and hence the ability to respond to stress by the synthesis of heat shock proteins. Chronic exposure of the lens to elevated temperatures induces cortical cataracts (39).Also the intriguing structural relationships between the heat shock proteins and the lens-specific crystallins make a study of ...