With advances in information and communication technologies and internet technologies, we have many benefits in our daily life. Most people have smart devices and use them for their work and leisure, and so on. However, these advances technologies brought us various side effects such as copyright violation, internet addiction, cybercrimes, personal information infringement, etc. In order to cope with those side effects, it is very important to teach information and communication ethics to students as early as possible. In addition, in order to teach young students, first, their awareness to information and communication ethics needs to be tested. In the literature, most awareness test tools are to test knowledge of information and communication ethics. In fact, those awareness tools have not consider sensitivity for information and communication ethics. In this work, an extensive and integrated sensitivity measurement tool is developed. At first sensitivity measurement standards are developed based on literature review works. Many elementary school teachers and ICT education experts survey the initial standards. Finally, sensitivity measurement standards are finalized with 6 areas and 19 standards. It is hoped that the proposed standards will be very helpful to diagnose awareness of elementary school students for information and communication ethics.