Solanum aethiopicum is a very important vegetable for both rural and urban communities in Africa. The crop is rich in both macro- and micronutrients compared with other vegetables and is suitable for ensuring food and nutritional security. It also possesses several medicinal properties and is currently employed in the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, cholera, uterine complaints as well as skin infections in humans. The crop is predominantly cultivated by traditional farmers and plays an important role in the subsistence and economy of poor farmers and consumers throughout the developing world. It also holds potential for dietary diversification, greater genetic biodiversity and sustainable production in Africa. Despite the numerous benefits the crop presents, it remains neglected and underutilized due to the world’s over-dependence on a few plant species, as well as the little attention in research and development it has received over the years. This review highlights the importance of S. aethiopicum, its role in crop diversification, reducing hidden hunger, the potential for nutritive and medicinal benefits, agricultural sustainability and future thrusts for breeding and genetic improvement of the plant species.