Objective: Due to importance of essential oil composition of herbals the identification of essential oil composition of four umbelliferae were studied.
Material and Methods:The chemical composition of the essential oils of dried aerial parts of Ferulago angulata, Anthriscus nemorasa, Astrodaucus orientalis, Pimpinella peregrina were analysed by GC and GC-MS.Results: Forty eight, eighteen, fifty one and twenty components were identified representing 96.5%, 85.9%, 91.4% and 90.1% of the oils, respectively. The main compounds of Ferulago angulata were alpha-pinene (24.1%), Beta-pinene (22.7%), beta-phellandrene (20.5%), alpha-phellandrene (12.1%); the main compounds of Anthriscus nemorasa were Beta-caryophyllene (23.6%), caryophyllene oxide (12.3%), Sigma-cadinene (12.1%), and trans pinocarveol (9.8%); the main compounds of Astrodaucus orientalis were Alpha-pinene (29.6%), Beta-pinene (21.5%) and bicyclo(3.1.0)hex-2-ene (7.6%)
Conclusion:The main constituents of Pimpinella peregrina trans-pinocarveol (35.1%), peregijerene (15.1%), Alpha-cubebene (12.4%), (+) Epibicyclosesquiphellandrene (7.5%), and Alpha-terpineol (6.7%) were determined.