Clean and quality government is the main key in presenting a good governance order for a region, so that it can give birth to justice, prosperity and happiness for the community. This clean and quality government system still seems to be a hope and is still far from reality. One of the proofs is that there are still many Regional Heads in West Java Province or leaders of other government institutions who are involved in committing acts of abuse of power such as corruption crimes. Therefore, the authors conduct studies and research to create a clean and quality government. In this scientific writing, the research method used is library research or literature study. Based on the results obtained, the author emphasizes that there are four basic internal pillars for creating a clean and quality government, namely attitude: Shiddiq, Tabligh, Amanah and Fathonah which is shortened to STAF. These four characteristics can shape a person's good personality in various situations and positions, including for a Regional Head, Bureaucrat, Servant of the State and other important positions. The four basic pillars aside from being a personal leader of a government institution, the STAF concept can also be applied to government systems and management. So, having these four basic pillars will encourage the realization of clean and quality governance.