Paola E l i s a b e t t i n i , A m C l i a D e s m e d t , Veronique G i b o n a n d f ; : D u r a n t *The influence of sorbitan tristearate (STS) on the thermal and structural properties of monoacid triglycerides, tristearin (SSS), trielaidin (EEE) and triolein (000). has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction at variable temperature. Results coming from the polymorphic study show that, following a dynamic process, the effect of 5 96 in weight of STS on the crystalline transitions depends o n the thermal behaviour of the triglycerides, and more precisely on the ( I + p' transformation way, i.e. solid state or melt-mediated. The intersolubility between the triglycerides and STS has been determined from "temperature versw composition" binary phase diagrams. In each case, the interaction is of eutectic type. STS is partially miscible into the considered triglyceridic lattices; a maximal solubility is reached into SSS, whereas 000 incorporates only small amounts of the emulsifier.
. I n t r o d u c t i o nCocoa butter is an essential material for the manufacture of chocolate products. Its supply largely depends on climatic conditions and is thus not constant; in consequence, the prices fluctuate. Therefore, industrials make use of replacement or substitution fats which are available at any time. Cocoa butter can be partially (CBR) or totally (CBS) replaced by other previously treated natural fats or oils'.'. Incompatibility between the different triglyceridic constituents gives rise to the formation of the so-called fat bloom phenomenon3 which is characterized by white crystals on the surface. This physical alteration can also result from a bad tempering during manufacture and/or thermal variations during ageing of the finished products4"The use of emulsifiers to palliate the fat bloom phenomenon seems to be a good solution. Okada6 and Albon7 established that the morphology of saturated triglyceride crystals is influenced by the presence of impurities; these decrease the growth rate of the crystals coming from the melt. Low amounts of solid emulsifiers influence the phase transition rate of fatty acids', triglycerides'.'' and natural fats. For cocoa butter, sorbitan esters accelerate the transitions from the I to the V form whereas the V + VI transition is delayed". 5 % in weight of sorbitan monostearate delays the a + fi transformation rate of saturated monoacid triglycerides but the retardation effect depends on the thermal pr~cess''-'~. From differential scanning calorimetry data, Jucome Guth16 shows that the same emulsifier delays the a +y transition of SOS whereas the evolution towards the more stable forms, pseudo-fi' and fi, is favoured. From the polymorphic evolution of saturated monoacid triglycerides differing by their hydrocarbon chain length, Des-
EinfluO von Sorbitan-Ttistearat nut daa thermische und strukturelleVerbalten von einsfurigen Ttiglyceriden -EinfluO der cis-oder trans-
DoppelbindungDer EinfluD von Sorbitan-Tristearat (STS) auf das thermische und struk...