This paper describes a theory and a practical algorithm for the autocalibration of a moving projective camera, from ¡ £ ¢ ¥ ¤ v iews of a planar scene. The unknown camera calibration, and (up to scale) the unknown scene geometry and camera motion are recovered from the hypothesis that the camera's internal parameters remain constant during the motion. This work extends the various existing methods for non-planar autocalibration to a practically common situation in which it is not possible to bootstrap the calibration from an intermediate projective reconstruction. It also extends Hartley's method for the internal calibration of a rotating camera, to allow camera translation and to provide 3D as well as calibration information. The basic constraint is that the projections of orthogonal direction vectors (points at infinity) in the plane must be orthogonal in the calibrated camera frame of each image. Abstractly, since the two circular points of the 3D plane (representing its Euclidean structure) lie on the 3D absolute conic, their projections into each image must lie on the absolute conic's image (representing the camera calibration). The resulting numerical algorithm optimizes this constraint over all circular points and projective calibration parameters, using the inter-image homographies as a projective scene representation.