The four Rous sarcoma virus messages gag, gag-pol, env, and src all derive from a fuli-length RNA precursor. All four messages contain the same 5' leader segment. Three of the messages, gag, gag-pol, and env, use an AUG present in this leader to initiate translation. The src AUG initiation codon lies 3' of the leader segment, 90 bases downstream of the gag initiation codon in the spliced src message. However, in the spliced src message a UGA termination codon lies between the gag AUG and the src AUG. All three codons are in the same reading frame. By using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, the UGA termination codon has been converted to CGA. Cells infected with the mutant (called 1057 CGA) were spindle shaped, distinct from the rounded shape of cells infected with the parental Rous sarcoma virus. The mutant virus initiates src ranslation at the gag AUG, producing a 63,000-dalton src protein. We suggest that the wild-type src message produces two polypeptides, a very small (nine-amino acid) peptide that is initiated at the gag AUG and the 60,000-dalton src protein that is initiated at the src AUG.Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is apparently transcribed into a single RNA species beginning at the left end of the R sequence in the left-hand long terminal repeat and terminating at the right end of the R sequence in the right-hand long terminal repeat. This transcript constitutes genomic RNA and serves as the precursor for RSV messenger RNAs. Four messenger RNAs are known: gag mRNA, which is apparently unspliced and is thought to be identical to genomic RNA; gag-pol mRNA, which may have a small region near the gag-pol junction removed by RNA splicing; env mRNA, which has most of gag and pol removed by splicing; and src mRNA, which has most of gag, pol, and env removed by splicing (30; Fig.