In this chapter, we describe the basics of biomolecules, cellular genetics, and bioenergetics. The chapter starts with the biological thermodynamics. The following biomolecules will be described: amino acids, peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, and corresponding polymers; nucleic acid, nucleosides, and nucleotides; and phospholipids. Regarding the cell dynamics, the following topics will be described: DNA structure, the genetic code, gene anatomy, DNA synthesis and repair, transcription, and translation. Regarding the energetics of the cell, we will discuss universal forms of energy, namely, ATP and proton motive force, and the metabolism of the organism. Full details on prokaryote organism metabolism regulation will be provided. Further, we will discuss the relationship between genetics and evolution.
Biological ThermodynamicsThe systems can be classified into three generic categories: closed systems, open systems, and isolated systems. The closed systems are the systems only exchanging the energy (more precisely heat) with the surrounding (environment). On the other hand, the live systems are open systems, i.e., the systems exchanging both energy and matter with the surrounding (environment). Namely, the live systems take the nutrients (matter and energy) from the environment, perform the work and generate the heat, and finally release the waste products. No way can they be considered as the closed systems. On the other hand, the live systems frozen for experimental and research purposes can be considered as closed systems. We say that system is isolated if neither energy nor matter get exchanged with the surroundings. At this point, it is convenient to introduce the concepts of equilibrium and steady state. We say that system is in equilibrium when all relevant system parameters are timeinvariant. On the other hand, we say that the system is in a steady state when the energy and/or matter enters the system and exits the system at the same rate.When several systems are in physical contact, at equilibrium they will have the same temperature. This claim is sometimes referred to as the zeroth law of