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Non-technical summaryUncertainty about government policies has been detrimental to economic growth over the past few years. In fact, policy-induced uncertainty has increased to record levels since the Great Recession. The uncertainty surrounding the timing and composition of fiscal consolidations matters for the success of such consolidation and fundamentally affects medium-term macroeconomic projections and thus policy actions designed in reaction to a given perceived economic situation.The uncertainty about fiscal policies in real-time is closely linked to the credibility of government plans. These plans determine specific tax changes and spending programmes, and as such, shape decisions and actions of economic agents. Nevertheless, the ability of ex-ante In this paper we address the issue of the information content of budgetary plans from a real-time perspective. We adopt the point of view of an agent who wishes to obtain an informed and independent estimate about the future course of fiscal policy during the year. To do so, the agent (econometrician) sets out a model at the quarterly frequency in which all the available information is combined: announced (ex-ante) forward-looking government plans, and high frequency fiscal data on the implementation of current (ongoing) In practical terms, we set out state-of-the-art, mixed-frequencies, time-series factor models that provide a natural framework to integrate announced plans, at the annual frequency, with data on the implementation of the plans, at the quarterly frequency. We take government consumption to be the fiscal variable defining policy in our empirical exercises, and focus on euro area ECB Working Paper 1834, August 2015 2 economies, namely Germany, France, Italy and Spain, as all these countries have been recently subject to fiscal consolidation processes but with different degrees of intensity.Following this approach we show that government targets may convey useful information about ex-post policy developments in certain circumstances, in particular when policy changes significantly, even if the track record of government plan's credibility has been poor, and when there is limited information about the implementation of plans (e.g. at the beginning of a fiscal year). This helps qualifying the above-mentioned, well-established results from a related literature that would advise against paying too much attention to policy targets, given that they are found to disp...