This study evaluated the feasibility of fiducials as a surrogate for gross tumor volume position in rectal cancer. Setup correction based on fiducials reduces required margins in the anterior-posterior and craniocaudal directions for a gross tumor volume boost compared with bony anatomy setup correction.
Reduction of these marginsPurpose: To evaluate the feasibility of fiducial markers as a surrogate for gross tumor volume (GTV) position in image-guided radiation therapy of rectal cancer. Methods and Materials: We analyzed 35 fiducials in 19 patients with rectal cancer who received short-course radiation therapy or long-course chemoradiation therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging examinations were performed before and after the first week of radiation therapy, and daily pre-and postirradiation cone beam computed tomography scans were acquired in the first week of radiation therapy. Between the 2 magnetic resonance imaging examinations, the fiducial displacement relative to the center of gravity of the GTV (COG GTV ) and the COG GTV displacement relative to bony anatomy were determined. Using the cone beam computed tomography scans, inter-and intrafraction fiducial displacement relative to bony anatomy were determined. Results: The systematic error of the fiducial displacement relative to the COG GTV was 2.8, 2.4, and 4.2 mm in the left-right, anterior-posterior (AP), and craniocaudal (CC) directions, respectively. Large interfraction systematic errors of up to 8.0 mm and