ABC Hospital has implemented 15 Clinical Pathway, and Typhoid Fever is the most cases that can be served. The inaccuracy of the monitoring report on the implementation of Clinical Pathway has prevented the hospital from taking appropriate actions to improve the implementation of Clinical Pathway Typhoid Fever. This study aims to determine the obstacles of monitoring implementation of Clinical Pathway Typhoid Fever in ABC Hospital. This research is a case study and descriptiveexplorative research, using document review, field observation, interview, and questionnaire for data collection. The research was conducted in the in-patient wards and medical records room of ABC Hospital during September 2017. The respondents of the research include room physicians, head of inpatient rooms, pediatric, internist, pharmacist, nutritionist, and medical record staff. The result show that factors which impeded implementation of Clinical Pathway monitoring in ABC Hospital were the absence of Clinical Pathway team, the incompatibility of the Clinical Pathway Guide content, the absence of SOP of Clinical Pathway filling form, and the lack of socialization. Suggestion for improving monitoring of Clinical Pathway Typhoid Fever are establish a Clinical Pathway team, revise the Guidance of Clinical Pathway, compile SOP of Clinical Pathway filling form, and do socialization.
RS ABC telah menerapkan 15Clinical Pathway, dan Typhoid Fever merupakan kasus terbanyak yang dapat dilayani. Ketidakakuratan laporan monitoring pelaksanaan Clinical Pathway menyebabkan rumah sakit tidak dapat mengambil langkah perbaikan pelaksanaan Clinical Pathway Typhoid Fever dengan tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala pelaksanaan monitoring Clinical Pathway Typhoid Fever di RS ABC. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang dilakukan di ruang rawat inap dan rekam medis RS ABC selama September 2017. Data dikumpulkan melalui pendekatan deskriptif -eksploratif dengan melakukan telaah dokumen, observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Responden meliputi dokter ruangan, kepala ruang rawat inap, profesional pemberi asuhan, perawat, dan staf rekam medis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menjadi kendala pelaksanaan monitoring Clinical Pathway di RS ABC adalah belum terbentuknya tim Clinical Pathway, ketidaksesuaian isi Panduan Clinical Pathway, belum adanya SPO pengisian form Clinical Pathway, dan kurangnya sosialisasi. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut, saran yang diberikan adalah menbentuk tim Clinical Pathway, merevisi Panduan Clinical Pathway, menyusun SPO pengisisan form Clinical Pathway, dan melakukan sosialisasi.