The Rumah Sehat Keluarga Clinic is one of the clinics in Jember that has just implemented electronic medical records (RME) at the end of October 2020. Based on observations made on January 4, 2021, at the Rumah Sehat Keluarga Clinic, it is known that there are several obstacles in implementing the electronic medical record system. outpatient treatment indicating that analysis is necessary. This study aims to analyze the application of outpatient electronic medical records at the Rumah Sehat Keluarga Clinic. Identification of problems using the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) method by reviewing aspects of external variables, aspects of perceived usefulness, aspects of perceived ease of use, and aspects of behavioral intention to use. This type of research is qualitative with data collection methods, namely interviews, observation, documentation and brainstorming. The subjects of this study are the head of the clinic and the medical record officer. The results showed that based on aspects of external variables, several constraining factors were obtained including the absence of guidelines for using RME for new or old users and there was a diagnosis menu that had not been integrated with the ICD 10 database. Aspects of perceived usefulness, namely the use of electronic medical records in the clinic made the work of the officers faster and more efficient. The perceived ease of use aspect showed that receiving electronic medical records is considered easy to understand, flexible enough with the work of officers and easy to use to help work. Based on the aspect of behavioral intention to use, even though there are several obstacles in its application, outpatients show interest in RME and they will use it in the future.