In 2011, for occupational exposure in planned exposure situations, the International Commission on Radiological Protection years, with no single year exceeding 50 mSv. Japanese regulatory authorities started discussions on the dose limit to the lens in 2017. In April 2021, new regulations related to the dose limit to the lens will take effect. Employers should comply new related regulations and optimize radiation protection. On June 30, 2020, the second day of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Health Physics Society (Web conference), the live symposium entitled "Symposium for Radiation Protection of the Lens of the Eye (Webinar)" was held. In this symposium, new guidelines for the lens dose monitoring and for the safety management of medical staff were introduced. In addition, the current status and issues in the nuclear, medical and individual monitoring fields were reported and discussed. In this paper, we reconsidered the presentations of this symposium and discussed radiation protection on the lens of the eye in the future.