The research presented in this doctoral dissertation aimed to improve knowledge on methods to evaluate exposures to carbon-containing nanomaterials and to develop optimized respiratory filters properties to protect workers from these exposures while minimizing discomfort due to breathing resistance. In the initial study, a novel laboratory-based system generated aerosols of four carboncontaining powders (carbon black, a small-diameter (<8 nm) multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), a large-diameter (50-80 nm) MWCNT, and a nickel-coated MWCNT) to evaluate the effectiveness of NIOSH Method 5040 for measuring masses as low as 1 μg. A targeted mass of a powder ranging from 1 to 30 μg was deposited on filters for gravimetric and elemental carbon (EC) analysis. The gravimetric mass was compared to the EC mass, and a regression model developed for each powder type. Additionally, the limit of detection (LOD) of the NIOSH Method 5040 for each powder type was determined. The regression models had significant slopes relative to zero for all powder types with all but carbon black demonstrating a statistical difference between the two methods. The LOD of NIOSH Method 5040 ranged from 4.5 for small-diameter MWCNTs to 31.8 μg for nickel-coated MWCNTs. Assuming a sample flow rate of 4.2 L/min and an 8-hour sample duration, the concentration-based LOD for NIOSH Method 5040 ranged from 2.2 μg/m 3 for small-diameter MWCNTs to 15.8 μg/m 3 for nickel-coated MWCNTs. These results indicate the analysis of EC is affected by the structure and elemental content of the CNTs. Additionally, based on the LOD determined for each powder type, the method may not be sufficient to assess exposures at and below the recommended exposure limit accurately without sampling durations longer than 8 hours. A second study used a laboratory-based system to evaluate an aethalometer response to carbon-containing nanomaterials including carbon black and MWCNTs. Concentrations ranging vii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .