This paper describes the habitable energy balance model for exoplanet observations (HEXTOR), which is a model for calculating latitudinal temperature profiles on Earth and other rapidly rotating planets. HEXTOR includes a lookup table method for calculating the outgoing infrared radiative flux and the planetary albedo, which provides improvements over other approaches to parameterizing radiative transfer in an energy balance model (EBM). Validation cases are presented for present-day Earth and other Earth-sized planets with aquaplanet and land planet conditions from 0° to 45° obliquity. A tidally locked coordinate system is also implemented in the EBM, which enables calculation of the horizontal temperature profile for planets in synchronous rotation around low-mass stars. This coordinate-transformed model is applied to cases for TRAPPIST-1e as defined by the TRAPPIST Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison protocol, which demonstrates better agreement with general circulation models than with the latitudinal EBM. Advances in applying EBMs to exoplanets can be made by using general circulation models as a benchmark for tuning as well as by conducting intercomparisons between EBMs with different physical parameterizations.