“…The quan ti ta tive dis tri bu tion of plank tonic foraminifera from the LGM to the pres ent dis plays a suc ces sion of microfaunal as sem blages (biozones) char ac ter iz ing the pro gres sively chang ing sur face wa ter en vi ron ment. In such mar ginal bas ins, the suc ces sive fau nal zones can be in di cated as ecozones, because the ma jor ity of the spe cies are sen si tive in di ca tors of past en vi ron men tal changes with am pli fied sig nals (Drinia and Antonarakou, 2003;Antonarakou et al, 2007Antonarakou et al, , 2018Antonarakou et al, , 2019Drinia et al, 2007Drinia et al, , 2008Drinia et al, , 2016Kontakiotis, 2012Kontakiotis, , 2016Kontakiotis et al, 2013Kontakiotis et al, , 2016aKontakiotis et al, , b, 2017Fenton et al, 2016;Karakitsios et al, 2017a, b). The eco log i cal di ver gence between the spe cies (Hemleben et al, 1989;Rohling et al, 1993), even be tween dif fer ent morphotypes of the same spe cies (Antonarakou et al, 2015;Kontakiotis et al, 2017), de ter mined by dif fer ent con trol ling fac tors (e.g., depth hab i tats, growth op timum/stressed con di tions, pro duc tiv ity, strat i fi ca tion, near-/offshore-con di tions), in com bi na tion with their dif fer ent test morpho logies (e.g., re lated to shell shape and size, thick ness, in ner po ros ity and pore sur face dis tri bu tion; Morard et al, 2009;Kontakiotis et al, 2017), con trol di rectly their dis tri bu tion pat tern and re flect the re gional cli mate vari abil ity (Marcott et al, 2013).…”