It can be argued that at the heart of functional hypersonic vehicle is its engine. Key to a functionally efficient scramjet engine lies in the design of its flow-path. The flow-path is made up of the following sections: (1) the forebody inlet; (2) the isolator, (3) the combustor, and (4) the nozzle. This chapter focuses on the design of the forebody inlet and the isolator sections of a scramjet engine. In this framework, key to a functionally efficient scramjet engine lies in the design of its flow-path. This flow-path design must consider a complex flow-field physics and the interaction of physical surfaces with this complex flow-field. Many attempts to design efficient scramjet flow-paths have met with some measured degree of success. This research uses a 'inverse design' approach, which is similar to Darwin's theory of evolution, where an organism adopts to survive in its environment; the scramjet flow-path will be carved/extracted from the operational environment. The objective is to naturally and organically capture, process and direct the flow from the environment; thus preparing it for the combustion process. This approach uses the ideal 2-D oblique shock relations, coupled with Nonweiler's caret waverider theory and streamline marching techniques.