Abstract. Wintertime in situ measurements of OH, HO2 and
RO2 radicals and OH reactivity were made in central Beijing
during November and December 2016. Exceptionally elevated NO was
observed on occasions, up to ∼250 ppbv. The daily
maximum mixing ratios for radical species varied significantly
day-to-day over the ranges 1–8×106 cm−3 (OH),
0.2–1.5×108 cm−3 (HO2) and
0.3–2.5×108 cm−3 (RO2). Averaged over
the full observation period, the mean daytime peak in radicals was
2.7×106, 0.39×108 and 0.88×108 cm−3 for OH, HO2 and total RO2,
respectively. The main daytime source of new radicals via
initiation processes (primary production) was the photolysis of HONO
(∼83 %), and the dominant termination pathways were the
reactions of OH with NO and NO2, particularly under
polluted haze conditions. The Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) v3.3.1
operating within a box model was used to simulate the concentrations
of OH, HO2 and RO2. The model underpredicted OH,
HO2 and RO2, especially when NO mixing ratios were
high (above 6 ppbv). The observation-to-model ratio of OH,
HO2 and RO2 increased from ∼1 (for all
radicals) at 3 ppbv of NO to a factor of ∼3, ∼20
and ∼91 for OH, HO2 and RO2, respectively,
at ∼200 ppbv of NO. The significant underprediction of
radical concentrations by the MCM suggests a deficiency in the
representation of gas-phase chemistry at high NOx. The OH
concentrations were surprisingly similar (within 20 % during the
day) in and outside of haze events, despite j(O1D)
decreasing by 50 % during haze periods. These observations provide
strong evidence that gas-phase oxidation by OH can continue to
generate secondary pollutants even under high-pollution episodes,
despite the reduction in photolysis rates within haze.