Abstract. We describe the compilation of two early instrumental daily temperature series from Bern and Zurich, Switzerland, starting from 1760 and 1756, respectively. The series are a combination of numerous small segments from different observers at different locations, within and outside the two cities, converted to modern units and homogenized. In addition, we introduce a methodology to estimate the errors affecting daily and monthly mean values derived from early instrumental observations. Given the frequent small data gaps, we merge the two daily series into a more complete series representing the central Swiss Plateau. We finally compare the homogenized monthly series with other temperature reconstructions for Switzerland. We find significant differences before 1860 pointing to biases affecting some of the most widely used instrumental data sets. In general, the homogenization of temperature measurements at the transition between the early instrumental and the national weather services eras remains a problematic issue in historical climatology and has significant implications for other fields of climate research.