Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Katzav, M., Isohanni, P., Lund, M., Hakkinen, M., & Lyhs, U. (2008). PCR assay for the detection of Campylobacter in marinated and non-marinated poultry products. Food Microbiology, 25 (7)
a b s t r a c tDuring a period of 9 months, 194 marinated and non-marinated poultry products were collected from retail shops in a defined area in Western Finland and tested for Campylobacter spp. using a conventional enrichment culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. For marinated poultry products, the study involved modification of a commercial DNA isolation method. Using either a conventional culture or PCR method, a total of 25 (12.9%) of all investigated samples were Campylobacter positive. In marinated poultry products, Campylobacter was detected at a prevalence of 21.1% and 9.5% in turkey and chicken products, respectively. In August, there was a peak with 28.9% positive Campylobacter samples.Campylobacter inoculation tests were carried out to test the detection limit of both methods. The PCR method used is faster than microbiological analyses. However, enrichment of the samples is necessary due to the low occurrence of Campylobacter spp. in retail Finnish poultry products.