Background: Sideropenic anemias (SAs) are a group of hypoproliferative anemias characterized by hyposideremia. Although they run an insidiously started slowly progressive course, they are a pointer for an underlying serious disease. Fortunately, in most cases, management of SAs is available, effective and relatively inexpensive. Splenomegaly was reported in patients with SAs with variation in Hacckett's grading and hematological profile. Etiopathogenesis of splenomegaly in SAs was mainly explained as related to the underlying pathologic process of anemia or as a component of the rarely occurring PatersonKelly syndrome. Apart from these, etiopathogenesis of splenomegaly in SAs is still a fruitful point for current research. The aim of the present study was to assess splenomegaly in patients with SAs in terms of frequency, clinical and hematological profile of splenomegaly in SAs. Another aim was to assess prognostic significance and assume etiopathogenesis of splenomegaly in SAs.