Bread is highly nutritious and consumed in many ways by most. This study was carried out to determine the effect of daily bread consumption on
serum insulin, glycated hemoglobin, and plasma glucose level among male daily bread consumers. Thirty male students were randomly selected
and fed with bread for 21 days. Their pre and post-blood samples were analyzed using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method
for insulin and glycated hemoglobin whereas glucose estimation was done using the glucose oxidase method. Pre and post Body Mass Index (BMI)
were also determined. Results showed that there was a signicant decrease in the BMI of the participants in daily post bread eaters (21.80±2.21)
compared to baseline (20.04±2.36) (p<0.05) while there were no signicant differences in the mean levels of fasting plasma glucose, glycated
hemoglobin, and insulin in daily post bread eaters (4.94±0.24, 5.88±0.63, and 6.43±3.22 respectively) (p>0.05). Likewise, no signicant
association existed between the parameters studied. Therefore no signicant alteration was observed in the parameters studied except for the
decreased BMI observed after bread consumption among the participants which could be attributed to the increase in academic stress activities
experienced by participants as the studied participants were students at examination during the post sample collection.