Domain-based local pair natural orbital coupled cluster approach with single, double and improved linear scaling perturbative triples correction via an iterative algorithm, DLPNO−CCSD(T1), was applied within a framework of the Feller-Peterson-Dixon approach to derive gas-phase heats of formation of scandium and yttrium trihalides and their dimers via a set of homolytic and heterolytic dissociation reactions. All predicted heats of formation moderately depend on reaction type with the most and the least negative values obtained for homolytic and heterolytic dissociation, respectively. The basis set size dependence, as well as the influence of static correlation effects not covered by the standard (DLPNO-)CCSD(T) approach, suggest that exploitation of the heterolytic dissociation reactions with formation of M +3 and Xions leads to the most robust heats of formation. The gas-phase formation enthalpies ΔH f °(0 K)/ ΔH f °(298.15 K) and absolute entropies S°(298.15 K) were obtained for the first time for the Sc2F6, Sc2Br6, and Sc2I6 species. For ScBr3, ScI3, Sc2Cl6, Y2Cl6 we suggest a re-examination of available in the literature experimental heats of formation. For other compounds the predicted values were found to be in good agreement with the experimental estimates. Extracted MX3 (M = Sc, Y, and X = F, Cl, Br, and I) 0K atomization enthalpies indicate the weaker bonding when moving from F to I and from Y to Sc. Likewise, the stability of yttrium trihalide dimers degrades when going from F to I. Respective scandium trihalide dimers are less stable, with 0 K dimer dissociation energy decreasing in row F -Cl -Br I. Correlation of the (n-1)s 2 p 6 electrons on Br and I, inclusion of zero-point energy, relativistic effects, and the effective core-potential correction as well as amelioration of the DLPNO localization inaccuracy was shown to be of similar magnitude and is critical if accurate heats of formation are a goal.